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Lutheran Church
Someone to talk to

Someone to talk to

One of the most important tasks of the Church is to help those in need. This includes people who need someone to talk to. If you are – or someone you know – is facing a difficult situation or have a problem that you would like to discuss, you are welcome to make use of one of the options mentioned below. 

Not all counsellors are used to speaking English or another foreign language and some may take a little time to feel comfortable doing so. Others may want to direct you to a colleague whose language skills they consider to be better.


Pastors are trained in counselling (in Danish: sjælesorg). Also, they are required to respect confidentiality, which means that they must not tell anyone else about the conversations that they have with the people who come to them. You may contact your local parish pastor or a pastor from one of the migrant churches, or you may attend a night service where the possibility to talk with a pastor or another person is part of the service. Night services are held in some churches in the cities, e.g. in Copenhagen and Aarhus.

University chaplains

Part of the work of university chaplains is to be available for students who need someone to talk to, whether they face difficult situations related to their studies, struggle with spiritual questions, or just want to chat or to pray with another person. You can find more information about the university chaplains here: Student work. To access a list of available university chaplains in Copenhagen, click here, and in Aarhus, click here.

If you would like to meet with a person face to face, a third option, in addition to pastors and university chaplains, may be to contact one of the national organisations that do social work. You can find a list of organisations on the page Social work

Online counselling

Talking with someone online or receiving counselling by e-mail is an option if you want to be anonymous and/or feel more comfortable communicating this way. offers both. Note however that the chat does not yet have fixed opening hours and you may have to be patient to meet someone online. For more information, see

Telephone counselling

Saint Luke's Foundation has a counselling service that is open on weekdays. Qualified therapists offer their help, care and counselling. If you want to book a time to talk, call the service between noon and 1 p.m. Monday-Thursday or send an e-mail. Telephone: 39 455 200, e-mail 

Sct. Nicolai Tjenesten also provides telephone counselling. The counselling service offers anonymity and the counsellors are required to respect confidentiality. Telephone: 70 120 110.